February has been a good month...and we are only 7 days in! Ella is doing so well. She is healthy, happy and learning/saying/doing something new every day. I am so proud of her progress. She is potty trained (finally). I buckled down a few weeks ago and committed an entire weekend to getting her out of pull-ups. At the advice of several friends, I tackled the "3 day potty training" method. I was skeptical at first. How can a child be potty trained in just days? I have always envisioned a long, nightmarish process. I have actually dreaded this part of parenting. I can handle pretty much everything. I have embraced the walking, crawling, feeding, drinking...all the teaching you figure out along the way. Potty training honestly scared me. It was a LONG three days, but it worked. I am a believer now! I am happy I did it and it was far less painful than I anticipated. Ella is doing so well with it and has a new sense of independence. It is a good feeling...for both of us!
Ella is also (knock on wood) really healthy. Her lab result and report from her visit at Children's hospital last month arrived in the mail yesterday. I was so nervous opening the envelope. I don't know why?? If there was any problem, I know I would have gotten a phone call from the doctor much sooner. Still, there is always the anticipation of the unknown with Ella. The letter was very positive and Ella's thyroid and hormone levels are NORMAL. This is the first time she has been in the normal range for everything since she was diagnosed. The stability is evident. Fingers crossed we continue on this path.
We also got a great report from the ENT. She had a surgical follow up earlier this week. Everything looks like it is healing well. Dr. Mousakis also immediately noticed a positive change in her hearing and speech. This has been the biggest difference since the surgery. She is definitely saying a lot more, trying to form sentences and responding to questions and directions a lot faster. We have all noticed a difference. Her teachers have had positive reports on her daily progress at school. Ella is on a roll!
Ella isn't the only Tapp doing big things in our house. Avery is getting ready to take off. She has figured out how to get up on all fours. She will be crawling in no time. She also loves to stand and is trying so hard to pull herself up whenever she can. She is into everything. She LOVES Ella's toys. It's a great day for her when she can get her hands on the princess castle.
On the rare occasion, we even have some cooperation and a nice moment between sisters....with "moment" being the key word. As quickly as the sharing starts, it ends. We're working on it ;-) Despite any of the challenges, I would like to bottle up these moments. I already feel like time is going by way too fast.
3 day potty training? That's amazing! Congrats! Alana (boynamedsilas.blogspot.com)