Wednesday, June 15, 2016


REMARKABLE: adjective re·mark·able \ri-ˈmär-kə-bəl\
worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary

Seven years ago my life changed forever. I became a mom to a remarkable little girl. Today we are celebrating Ella's birthday, but really we celebrate her every day. She came into this world in a whirlwind of chaos and confusion, tiny and a full head of black hair. As they whisked her away to the NICU, Jason and I had no idea how our world was about to change. I remember every second of June 15th 2009 like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe my baby is remarkable baby. 

Remarkable may be an interesting adjective for a 7 year old. Trust me, it is appropriate for Ella. At a recent check-up at Boston Children's hospital, the doctor that has treated her for years simply said, "Ella is remarkable." A profound statement from a physician who doesn't often offer up anything more than what is clinically necessary for Ella. She is direct and to the point and even after five years of visits, practically every three months, the relationship is still very formal. This is a doctor that I credit largely with Ella's current health and success. For her to say "Ella is remarkable" sticks with me as a mom. I have known this forever (for 7 years actually!) I love that others can see just how special she really is. 

"They" said Ella would never walk, talk or have any quality of life. She was actually labeled incompatible with life. Guess what? "They" were wrong. Ella runs around the soccer field, she danced in her 4th dance recital a few weeks ago, she talks to all her friends as she rides the bus home from school (one of her favorite things), she plays superheroes with her sister and brother and she shares laughs with her neighbors who have become her close friends. Ella is sweet and affectionate. She lovingly opened birthday gifts this year, inspecting every item and enjoying every minute. She is stubborn and has found her voice. She loves to eat oatmeal for breakfast and pizza any time of day. She is finishing up her final days of 1st grade and will start 2nd grade next year with her peers. She has taught us so much and will continue to do so. "They" couldn't be more wrong about Ella. 

So as I watch Ella blow out the candles today and play with her friends, I will really see once again how remarkable she is. A little girl who is certainly uncommon and extraordinary. Happy Birthday Ella! #lucky7

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